Casa Redentor is a home for homeless people — at least that's how we summarized the purpose of the NGO. As the name suggests, this is a Christian social project (in reference to Christ, the Redeemer), and this provided the inspiration for the development of the brand's symbol. With simplicity, but without neglecting the depth of the social work that has been carried out in the Redentor neighborhood (in Curitiba, for exactly 30 years), two icons were articulated as a call to the community in a street situation. The house, a routine symbol for some and imaginary for others, gains personification: through the gesture of a hug, this space that has ceilings, walls, and a floor becomes a place of welcome. Between us, the desirable thing is that this symbol is further reinterpreted by its frequenters, referring to the gesture of Christ on the cross, who embraced his sons, daughters, and their pains with open arms.
The proposal for Casa sought a more updated and institutional visual, to represent the long history and seriousness of the NGO towards the social services provided. But far from intending heavy and appealing communication, we aimed to allude to a more positive atmosphere, focusing on the transformation of lives through the project. Thus, a more intimate approach invites both people in street situations and new contributors to participate in the construction of this space: to enter this living house, in the heart of Curitiba.
Playing with the jargon of the "business universe", we invite new contributors to invest in the lives of others.
Casa Redentor
ONG Casa Redentor
Graphic Design; Copy-writing; Illustration.